Tuesday, October 28, 2008


New rule: the next person who spews the words “Joe the Plumber” at me gets a guest role in the remake of “The Best of Al Zarqawi’s Home Videos”! I am tired of hearing those three words, and I am tired of hearing Obama called a socialist. Do any of the people who are talking this rubbish have any idea what they’re saying? If you actually listen to what Obama and Sammy Joe talked about, you’d blow a gasket too after hearing that encounter brought up again, and again, and again over the past weeks. I’ve finally had it with this election, and all of the absurd inanities that are being constantly brought up. ENOUGH!!!! Shut the fuck up about Caribou Barbie and her hundred fifty grand in new clothes! Shut the fuck up about McCain possibly killing someone in a car wreck forty fucking four years ago! Just shut up already!!! When Obama says that his tax plan includes cutting taxes for people making under a quarter of a million dollars a year, and raising taxes on the money above the quarter of a million dollars a year that rich fucks are making, when the first quarter of a million dollars those rich fucks are making every year is getting taxed at the same low rate other people are getting, DO NOT CALL IT SOCIALISM JUST BECAUSE OBAMA SAID IT WAS GOOD TO SPREAD THE WEALTH AROUND IN AN IMPROMPTU INTERACTION!!! Okay? Do you get what I’m saying? It’s not accurate to call that “redistribution of wealth,” because, if you follow me here for a second, the people getting a tax cut are still paying some taxes, the people who don’t pay any taxes at all aren’t getting extra welfare checks or anything like a handout, and the rich people are paying the taxes that they used to be paying before Bush made their load a little easier to carry! Can you follow that? I am barely eighteen years old without a very lengthy formal education, and that shit seems damn obvious to me. I am making a pledge, and I am absolutely serious about this, that if somehow McCain pulls this thing out of the gutter and squeaks in on the thinnest of margins, or if they somehow steal like they did eight years ago, I will do my best to get out of this country. Fuck you very much America! I might even do that if Obama wins, just because I’m pretty sure that whatever happens, this country’s a ship that’s already hit the iceberg, and nothing can stop it from going down. Excuse my language, I didn’t get much sleep last night, and I’m a little cranky.


Anonymous said...

"The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded"(Obi-wan Kenobi)

America needs better education, not just to be competitive, but to elevate public discourse.

Rev. Ezra Shark said...

If the main thing you got from that was a feeling that public discourse in these times has fallen to unprecedented lows, you were missing my point. I'm perfectly capable of discussing things in the most polite, civil, respectful, and elevated manner as possible. America does need better education, but I'm not a good example of what a product of American education looks like. Almost everything that I know anything about, from the ins and outs of world history, classical and contemporary philosophical thought, fine literature, breaking edge theoretical physics, political and biological science, and my many other varied intellectual interests is because I'm bright and curious enough to seek it out on my own.